Types of Submissions Accepted
ERLR invites original, unpublished manuscripts from all academicians, authors, legal professionals, and Law students in the following categories:Please note that the categories are subjective and minor deviations are permissible.

Long Articles (3000-6000 words)
The submissions should comprehensively deal with the theme of the topic and literature. Should contain comprehensive discussion about the topic concerned identifying current practice, any lacunae, offer constructive suggestions and conclusions on the theme/ topic. Theoretical pieces including Primary Research or Long Articles may also be submitted under this category.
Essays/Short Articles (1500-3000 words)
The submissions made under this category should be more concise and focused on the issue/ topic in question. It should also attempt to offer perspective, insights, critical analysis of the topic. The authors are free to use desired ways for conceptualizing their essays/ articles within the stipulated word limits.

Case Notes and Legislative Comments (1200-2500 words)
The submissions made under this category are meant for the analysis of any landmark or current judicial pronouncement, case law, legislative action, or policy proposal, etc. The authors should touch upon the backdrop of the development case/ legislation, issues, decision, aftermath and proceed to comment upon its implications on the evolution of law/ society. A legislative comment or policy proposal must identify the object and analysis of the actual/ expected impact of such policy/ proposal.
Conspectus (8000- 10000 words)
We might occasionally publish a Conspectus, which is an 8000–10000-word descriptive piece on any legal issue. Relevant material (case law and secondary literature, including from comparative jurisdictions if helpful) should be organized thematically and presented clearly and coherently. Unlike a literature review, it need not tackle a particular area of law comprehensively but may focus instead on a particular question or issue.