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Guidelines For Submissions

​1. Font, Format and Structure

  • The Font should be ‘Bookman Old Style’ throughout the paper.

  • The font size of the main text should be 12 throughout the paper.

  • All the submissions are to be made in Word Document only and emailed at with subject line “ERLR June 2024 || Submission || Name of  1st Author || Title of Paper”.

  • The submission should be compiled in the following order: title page; abstract; keywords; main text introduction, main text; references; appendices (as appropriate).

  • In the main text:

    • The Headings should be numbered as 1, 2, 3 ….; Font size 16; Bold and Capital

    • The Sub-headings should be numbered as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2….; Font size 14; Bold and sentence case

    • The Sub-sub headings should be numbered as 1.1.1, 1.1.2…; Font size 12; Bold, Italics and sentence case

    • Any sub division if present should be numbered a, b, c, …/ i, ii, iii,…; Font size 11.


2. Footnoting, End noting and Reference:

The end notes/ footnotes can use any style of referencing. However, please ensure that the style of referencing used in the paper is uniform throughout the paper.

3. Checklist: What to Include:

  1. Author details: All authors of a manuscript should include their full name and affiliation (i.e., the present organization/ institute) on the cover page of the manuscript. One author will need to be identified as the corresponding author, with their email address normally displayed in the article. There can be a maximum of 4 Authors in each paper. Please note that no changes to affiliation can be made after your paper is accepted.

  2. Abstract: The manuscript should contain an unstructured abstract of about 150-250 words.

  3. Keywords: The manuscript should contain between 4 and 10 keywords.

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